Course | |||||
$49.00 Drivers / Drivers - All states As a driver representing LeafLink, customer service must be your top priority. This short course contains general guidelines for customer communication and some tips on how to exceed expectations with customer service. This course provides tips... | |||||
$49.00 Drivers / Drivers - All states Bringg is a software for dispatch and routing that focuses on optimization of planning and routes to improve on time performance by partners for Leaflink. The app is used by the drivers to process pickup and deliveries for Sellers in a quick and... | |||||
$19.00 Canna Biz Management for all states This comprehensive course, led by industry expert Kareem Hertzog, delves into the core principles of conducting business within the rapidly evolving cannabis industry. Designed for entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals, the course... | |||||
$59.00 Cannabis Retail Earn a Certification in the Science and Art of Budtending!
This course provides all the information that will help budtenders do their job in a helpful and efficient way by understanding the science of cannabis and the arts of customer... | |||||
$59.00 Cannabis Retail Earn a Certification in the Science and Art of Budtending!
This course provides all the information that will help budtenders do their job in a helpful and efficient way by understanding the science of cannabis and the arts of customer... | |||||
$59.00 Cannabis Retail Earn a Certification in the Science and Art of Budtending!
This course provides all the information that will help budtenders do their job in a helpful and efficient way by understanding the science of cannabis and the arts of customer... | |||||
Cannabis Retail Earn a Certification in the Science and Art of Budtending!
This course provides all the information that will help budtenders do their job in a helpful and efficient way by understanding the science of cannabis and the arts of customer... | |||||
$79.00 Cannabis Cultivation Learn how to optimize your cultivation through basic practices and knowledge with Krysta Jones and Sanja Ganja of the THC GIRLS.
Get insider information on optimal growing practices, so you can flourish in your green thumb endeavors. With a... | |||||
$79.00 Cannabis Cultivation Learn how to optimize your cultivation through basic practices and knowledge with Krysta Jones and Sanja Ganja of the THC GIRLS.
Get insider information on optimal growing practices, so you can flourish in your green thumb endeavors. With a... | |||||
$79.00 Cannabis Cultivation Learn how to optimize your cultivation through basic practices and knowledge with Krysta Jones and Sanja Ganja of the THC GIRLS.
Get insider information on optimal growing practices, so you can flourish in your green thumb endeavors. With a... |
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