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LeafLink Customer Service for Drivers (001 LLink)
Drivers - All states
LeafLink Customer Service for Drivers (001 LLink)
As a driver representing LeafLink, customer service must be your top priority. This short course contains general guidelines for customer communication and some tips on how to exceed expectations with customer service. This course provides tips...
Bringg Driver Training (002 LLink)
Drivers - All states
Bringg Driver Training (002 LLink)
Bringg is a software for dispatch and routing that focuses on optimization of planning and routes to improve on time performance by partners for Leaflink. The app is used by the drivers to process pickup and deliveries for Sellers in a quick and...
Achieving Clarity (CSA04)
Business Skills
Customer Service Applied
Achieving Clarity (CSA04)
Information is difficult to understand when it’s not presented clearly. But it’s so much easier to understand when it is. When you present information, do it with clarity. If you don’t, you just won’t get the right message...
Maintaining Customer Service Across Channels (CSE01)
Business Skills
Business Skills: General
Maintaining Customer Service Across Channels (CSE01)
“Should we be focusing on customer service or customer experience?” That might sound like a trick question, but customer service and customer experience are two very different parts of the same puzzle. Understanding how the two terms...
Effective Problem Solving (CSE05)
Business Skills
Customer Service Essentials
Effective Problem Solving (CSE05)
You’re most likely familiar with this scenario. A difficult issue or unreasonable request comes up during the 5 minutes before the end of your shift. You’re tempted to shoot off the first response that comes to mind just to get the customer...
Anticipating Customers' Needs (CSM02)
Business Skills
Customer Service Mastery
Anticipating Customers' Needs (CSM02)
There are many reasons why customers remain loyal to a brand. But ultimately, customers won’t want to part ways with a brand that is able to meet all of their needs. Especially the ones they weren’t even aware of. But doing this successfully...
High-Touch Customer Service (CSM06)
Business Skills
Customer Service Mastery
High-Touch Customer Service (CSM06)
Are you impressed when a business gives you a personal reply rather than an automated email response? Then you’ve probably been on the receiving end of high-touch customer service. This approach to customer service is a good way to keep...
Empowering Customer Service (CSM08)
Business Skills
Customer Service Mastery
Empowering Customer Service (CSM08)
Have you ever had that sinking feeling when a customer asks you a question that you should know the answer to, but don’t? It’s difficult to deliver great customer service if you don’t have the right information, tools, or support. But there...
Tracking and Improving the Customer Experience (CSM09)
Business Skills
Customer Service Mastery
Tracking and Improving the Customer Experience (CSM09)
How well do you understand your customers’ experience with your business? When customers have positive experiences, they’re more likely to make purchases from you. The only way to know for sure how your customers feel is to track their...
Customer Service is not a Cost Center (CSM10)
Business Skills
Customer Service Mastery
Customer Service is not a Cost Center (CSM10)
Do you see customer service as a necessity or an opportunity? In the past, customer-service departments were seen as cost centers. The company would try to reduce costs, leaving customer service understaffed with minimum investment. But customer...

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