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Customer Service is not a Cost Center (CSM10)

Do you see customer service as a necessity or an opportunity? In the past, customer-service departments were seen as cost centers. The company would try to reduce costs, leaving customer service understaffed with minimum investment. But customer service is not a cost center, and treating it like one is a mistake that can cost customers and revenue.

Customer service is more than just dealing with complaints and problems. It adds value to business, so it should be viewed as a profit center rather than a cost center. Focusing on customer service brings many benefits, such as creating a better customer experience. There are several ways you can make sure your customer service is a profit center, so you can keep loyal customers and grow revenue.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Distinguish between a cost center and a profit center
• Explain the benefits of seeing customer service as an opportunity
• Apply methods to turn customer service into a profit center

Why take this course?

This course is ideal for anyone leading a customer service department. You’ll learn what makes customer service a profit center rather than a cost center, the opportunities customer service can offer, and ways to ensure customer service is not a cost center.

10 mins | SCORM | Takeaway Tasks

  • Customer Service is Not a Cost Center
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed