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Tracking and Improving the Customer Experience (CSM09)

How well do you understand your customers’ experience with your business? When customers have positive experiences, they’re more likely to make purchases from you. The only way to know for sure how your customers feel is to track their experience. And to offer great customer service, that experience should be the best it can be.

Customer service is an important part of the customer experience. It’s useful to understand the whole customer journey and where problems can occur. Tracking the customer experience is a great way to work out which parts of the journey need improvement and how well you’re meeting customer expectations. There are lots of ways that you can enhance the customer experience to attract new customers and keep loyal ones.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

•Explain the difference between customer service and customer experience
•Recognize the importance of tracking and improving customer experience
•Apply strategies to track and improve customer experience

Why take this course?

This course is for anyone working in customer service who wants to create a great customer experience. You’ll learn how customer service fits into the customer experience, how important it is to track and improve the customer experience, and practical ways to measure and boost that experience.

10 mins | SCORM | Takeaway Tasks

  • Tracking and Improving the Customer Experience
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed