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Empowering Customer Service (CSM08)

Have you ever had that sinking feeling when a customer asks you a question that you should know the answer to, but don’t? It’s difficult to deliver great customer service if you don’t have the right information, tools, or support. But there are ways to make sure everyone on your team feels empowered to help their customers.

When customer service employees have the right training, a good knowledge base, and insight into the customer’s journey, they’re empowered to give great customer service. Empowering employees produces several benefits for both customers and business. For example, it creates a better customer experience, and also leads to higher levels of loyalty and satisfaction in employees. You can use a number of strategies to empower yourself and achieve excellence in customer service.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

•Explain what empowering customer service means
•Identify the benefits of empowering customer service
•Understand strategies to empower customer service

Why take this course?

This course is great for anyone who wants to improve the customer service experience and empower customer service employees. You’ll learn what is meant by empowering customer service, find out the benefits of having empowered employees, and explore strategies for boosting empowerment in customer service.

10 mins | SCORM | Takeaway Tasks

  • Empowering Customer Service
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed